
Providing Pre-Delivery

Inspection For All types of Vehicles (Old &New)

year of Experience
1 +
Service Providers
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Welcome toTruePDI

TruePDI stands as a premier provider of Pre-Delivery inspection (PDI) services, ensuring that vehicles of all types car, motorcycle, electric vehicles (EVs), Tractor, bus and truck. meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and performance before they are delivered to customers. With a dedicated team of trained professionals and state-of-the-art tools, TruePDI performs thorough, detailed inspections that guarantee each vehicle is fully functional, compliant with industry standards, and ready for the road.

PDI for Cars

PDI for Motorcycles (Bikes)

PDI for Electric Vehicles (EVs)

PDI for Buses

PDI for Trucks

PDI for Cars

PDI for Motorcycles (Bikes)

PDI for Electric Vehicles (EVs)

PDI for Buses

PDI for Trucks

PDI for Cars

PDI for Motorcycles (Bikes)

PDI for Electric Vehicles (EVs)

PDI for Buses

PDI for Trucks

PDI for Cars

PDI for Motorcycles (Bikes)

PDI for Electric Vehicles (EVs)

PDI for Buses

PDI for Trucks


Why Choose TruePDI?


TruePDI brings years of expertise in the automotive inspection industry. Our team of professionals is well-trained in the latest diagnostic tools and techniques for all vehicle types.

Efficiency and Accuracy

We pride ourselves on delivering quick and accurate results to ensure that vehicles are delivered on time and meet all quality standards.

Peace of Mind

Whether you are a dealership, manufacturer, or fleet operator, TruePDI offers peace of mind, knowing that your vehicles are thoroughly inspected and ready for delivery.

Comprehensive Inspections

Our inspections cover every aspect of a vehicle, from mechanical systems to electronic controls, safety features, and overall performance.

Industry Standards

TruePDI complies with all necessary regulatory requirements and ensures that each vehicle adheres to industry standards, making it safe for road use.

Inspector Assignment

A qualified and experienced inspector is assigned to conduct the inspection based on the car's location and the inspector's availability.

What Our Clients Say AboutTrue PDI

TruePDI stands as a premier provider of Pre-Delivery inspection (PDI) services, ensuring that vehicles of all types car, motorcycle, electric vehicles (EVs), Tractor, bus and truck. meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and performance before they are delivered to customers.

Contact Us

Domestic Address Bhubaneswar, Khordha, (Odisha) – 751007
International Address M.Ranvina, Iraaku Magu Male' 20261,Maldives
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